The Will of God

Have you ever heard, “Give your life to the Lord?” Or how about change your behavior and then God will accept you? Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, all blessings, starting with sonship, come through believing in and receiving His Life, not giving your life, which is performance based, but receiving His, which is grace based. The truth is that no one is accepted by God, by changing their behavior, or performing. 

In fact, the Spirit of God, comes freely, sonship, in turn comes freely, the gifts all come freely, and they are irrevocable. This is the gospel, and this is the only way to receive the Spirit of God. He won’t have it any other way.

All other roads are prideful, self-righteous, and fearful. You can’t do anything to earn his love, and once you realize and receive it, there’s nothing you can do to lose it! Anybody who tells you any differently is a liar, confused or is what the bible calls a worker of evil. 

But what does the bible actually say about this? Well let’s find out…
